I have specific fields that users can customize their events with, if they add these fields, they dynamically show up in the event creation/edit popup... however, I am needing kendo autocomplete widgets for any lookup fields. What I am doing now is grabbing my event editor template, getting the html string of it, appending each field the user specified to it, thus dynamically adding fields. This places the items in the editor... however, I try to instantiate a kendo autocomplete in the scheduler edit event as well as in the function that adds the html dynamically, and it doesn't work. All I get is a white text box instead of a kendo auto complete box and it has no data in it or any events bound to it. It is as if it simply cannot find these dynamically added elements in the editor html, even though a print of the html to the console shows they are very much there.
If I add an input element to my editor template in the template script, THEN instantiate a kendo autocomplete in the scheduler edit event, it will turn the input into an auto complete with all its events bound and everything and work fine, it is just it cannot properly set the dynamic html elements even though they should be in the editor template....
I am wondering if anyone has an idea on how to setup kendo widgets for dynamic elements in the event create/edit window, specifically an autocomplete box. My code creating dynamic elements is as follows:
function dynamicEditorTemplateLoad(fieldMap){
/*Dynamically creating editor fields -> Title, Owner, Start, End, Invite, and Descrip I think should all always be included*/
var editorTemplateString = $('#editor_template').html();
var extraString = '';
var dynamicComponent = '';
var optString = '';
for(var i = 0; i < fieldMap.length; i++){
if(fieldMap[i].fieldType == 'PICKLIST'){
extraString = '<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input">'+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'</label></div>\n<div data-container-for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" class="k-edit-field" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Container">\n';
dynamicComponent = '\t<select id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" type="text" data-role="dropdownlist">\n';
optString = '';
for(var k = 0; k < fieldMap[i].picklistVals.length; k++){
if(k == 0){
optString += '\t\t<option value="'+fieldMap[i].picklistVals[k]+'" selected>'+fieldMap[i].picklistVals[k]+'</option>\n';
} else{
optString += '\t\t<option value="'+fieldMap[i].picklistVals[k]+'">'+fieldMap[i].picklistVals[k]+'</option>\n';
optString += '\t</select>\n</div>\n\n';
dynamicComponent = dynamicComponent + optString;
if(fieldMap[i].fieldType == 'STRING'){
extraString = '<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input">'+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'</label></div>\n<div data-container-for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" class="k-edit-field" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Container">\n';
dynamicComponent = '\t<input id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" type="text" class="k-input k-textbox"/>\n</div>\n\n';
if(fieldMap[i].fieldType == 'REFERENCE'){
extraString = '<div class="k-edit-label"><label for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input">'+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'</label></div>\n<div data-container-for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" class="k-edit-field" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Container">\n';
dynamicComponent = '\t<select id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" type="text" data-role="dropdownlist" style="width: 120px;">\n';
optString = '';
for(var k = 0; k < fieldMap[i].referenceList.length; k++){
if(k == 0){
optString += '\t\t<option value="'+fieldMap[i].referenceList[k]+'" selected>'+fieldMap[i].referenceList[k]+'</option>\n';
} else{
optString += '\t\t<option value="'+fieldMap[i].referenceList[k]+'">'+fieldMap[i].referenceList[k]+'</option>\n';
optString += '\t</select>\n';
var inputString = '\t<input id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'SearchInput" style="width: 275px;"/>\n</div>\n\n';
dynamicComponent = dynamicComponent + optString + inputString;
extraString += dynamicComponent;
//editorTemplateString += extraString;
extraString = '';
dynamicComponent = '';
I call this function right at the beginning of my $(document).ready() function, so it adds these elements to the editor template before the scheduler or its datasource are even created, yet it is still not properly initializing the autocomplete widgets.