I have a [Kendo] ListView in a [razor] view. I have a drop down as part of the ListView template. I can get the drop down loaded with an enumeration list and can bind to the onchange event. What is not happening is the combo box is not being initialized with the specified value in the bound data object [to each row of the list view].My ListView template is as such.<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="GroupUserMappingTemplate">
new SelectList(Enum.GetValues(typeof(P3X_DataAccess.Models.AccessLevel))),
new {
onchange = "(AccessLevelChanged(this));"
The property the combo box is initialized to is called AccessLevel. It is the name of the property that is in the object that is bound to the List View rows, and I assume is valid for use as the bound property. The binding does not occur (but no errors occur either).
I have a [Kendo] ListView in a [razor] view. I have a drop down as part of the ListView template. I can get the drop down loaded with an enumeration list and can bind to the onchange event. What is not happening is the combo box is not being initialized with the specified value in the bound data object [to each row of the list view].My ListView template is as such.<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="GroupUserMappingTemplate">
new SelectList(Enum.GetValues(typeof(P3X_DataAccess.Models.AccessLevel))),
new {
onchange = "(AccessLevelChanged(this));"
The property the combo box is initialized to is called AccessLevel. It is the name of the property that is in the object that is bound to the List View rows, and I assume is valid for use as the bound property. The binding does not occur (but no errors occur either).