I have a couple of issues with the RadTreeView.
a) I need to edit the text of a node by highlighting it, explorer style. I read the last post but cannot figure out how.
b) Drag and drop a node onto a DockingManager, pick up the drop and create a new DockPanel of a certain type (based on the type of node), the question has already been asked, but I thought I would request it for release Q2.
Thanks, great suite, I'm still evaluating it by building something, looks promising.
- jorge
I have a couple of issues with the RadTreeView.
a) I need to edit the text of a node by highlighting it, explorer style. I read the last post but cannot figure out how.
b) Drag and drop a node onto a DockingManager, pick up the drop and create a new DockPanel of a certain type (based on the type of node), the question has already been asked, but I thought I would request it for release Q2.
Thanks, great suite, I'm still evaluating it by building something, looks promising.
- jorge