I have implement grid finally. Previously I could do it with less effort but now by using angular js, it has become really painful. I have posted code. I have my api to load data and api expects parameters. I cannot change api's parameter to make it inline with the kendoGrid's request object. So I have created own view model and assigned the required parameters.
Current status:
-Data is rendered in the grid.
-Pagination works perfectly.
-Sorting also works but sort is not initialized on one click. I am wondering if there is change function for sort option like it has for pageable. Since I have assigned sort's values to my viewmodel in change() under DataSource, this changes the viewmodel's sort value after grid load. This is of no use for the first time. I have no idea where I am suppose to implement that....
Problems to be addressed:
-I would like to implement the custom filter on the grid rather than the one provided by the grid itself.
-and the sorting problem as mentioned above.