I've generated a less file via the theme builder and as written there (http://docs.kendoui.com/getting-started/themebuilder), I,ve also added the template.less to my project. So right now I have the following files :
- mixins.less
- kendo.default.less
- common.less
- template.less
- and finally my custom.less generated via the theme builder.
When I launch my website, I've got this error message :
I've generated a less file via the theme builder and as written there (http://docs.kendoui.com/getting-started/themebuilder), I,ve also added the template.less to my project. So right now I have the following files :
- mixins.less
- kendo.default.less
- common.less
- template.less
- and finally my custom.less generated via the theme builder.
When I launch my website, I've got this error message :
variable @widget-background-color is undefined
in template.less on line 106, column 23:
background-color: @widget-background-color;