Then I use TestModel1 as MVC model type, and I want to bind TestModel2s to a Grid, while editing TestModel1's properties with the grid in the same form. I tried several times to post to the server, the TestModel2s properties was always null.
Is there any simple way to go through this small problem? I think this complex object is not complex at all. Please refer to the home index.cshtml page, that is a simple demo. Attachments are size limited, so the attached demo project hasn't include the kendo's files.
My further requirement is to edit a ICollection<T> property in a column, how can I bind the ICollection<TestModel1> to a Grid and edit ICollection<TestModel2> (field m=>m.TestModel2s) ?
Anxious waiting it.
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello Damon,
I believe that our Submit form containing grid along with other input elements code library is what you are looking for. This code library shows an approach how to submit a form which contains a Grid and other input elements to the server.
Boyan Dimitrov
Hi Boyan,
I tried Submit form containing grid along with other input elements code, but when I clicked "Add" button, the Firefox browser warned me that "ReferenceError: index is not defined", the same as Opera with Webkit engine.
What's wrong with this column bound?
columns.Bound(m => m.Name)
.ClientTemplate("#= Name #" +
"<input type='hidden' name='Products[#=index(data)#].Name' value='#= Name #' />"
Sorry Boyan,
I haven't seen that there was a <script/> block at the bottom of .cshtml file.
I tried to make that function more flexible like this:
function index(dataItem) {
var data = $("#TestModel2s").data("kendoGrid");
return data.indexOf(dataItem);
function indexOfGridRow(dataItem, collectionName) {
var data = $("#" + collectionName).data("kendoGrid");
return data.indexOf(dataItem);
Then I used indexOfGridRow instead of index in the Index.cshtml, it worked.
Well done, thanks.
Hello Boyan,
I've replied at the forum and marked your reply as the answer, and I was trying to give a better JS approach to achieve the goal.
I'll keep watching the thread.Could you please try the this link since this project should be a bit newer compared to the one in my link. The validation should work as expected since the validation itself does nothing to do with the client template. Basically when a field is updated and it passed the validation the client template (the value for the hidden input should be updated).
Boyan Dimitrov
Progress Telerik