I have a grid with multi-column headers and there is a group column A which is locked. Here is the code:
$scope.gridOptions.columns = [
title: "A", locked: true, headerAttributes: { "class": "section-border" }, groupId : "A",
columns: [{ field: "ROW_HEADER", filterable: false, width: "20px", title: " .", sortable: false, locked: true, headerAttributes: { "class": "sub-col darkYellow-col rowHeaderHeadYellow", "style": "border-right: 0px !important;" }, attributes: { "class": "contert-alpha rowHeaderCell" } },
{ field: "COLUMN1", title: "COLUMN1", width: "80px", hidden: true, locked: true, headerAttributes: { "class": "sub-col darkYellow-col rowHeaderHead2" }, attributes: { "class": "" }, template: "#: COLUMN1)#" },
{ field: "COLUMN2", title: "COLUMN2", width: "150px", locked: true, headerAttributes: { "class": "sub-col darkYellow-col rowHeaderHead2" }, attributes: { "class": "" }, template: #:COLUMN2#}
title: "B", headerAttributes: { "class": "section-border" }, groupId: "B",
columns: [{ field: "COLUMN3", title: "COLUMN3", width: "110px", headerAttributes: { "class": "sub-col continuity" }, attributes: { "class": "contert-alpha center-middle" }, template: "#: COLUMN3 #" },
{ field: "COLUMN4", title: "COLUMN4", width: "120px", headerAttributes: { "class": "sub-col no-left-border" }, attributes: { "class": "contert-number " }, format: "{0: MM/dd/yyyy}" },
I want to unlock the group column A programmatically before printing the grid so that it appears as one grid instead of two. I have set locked=false for COLUMN1, COLUMN2 and group column A before printing but it still stays locked. Then I've set only group column A as unlocked before printing and the group still stays locked. I am using recursive method to unlock them but I but in order to show the gist of this functionality I am doing this to unlock: