This is the code :
title: {
text: "Distribution of roles per total number of articles(per selected levels)"
chartArea: {
width: 800,
heigth: 800,
stack: { type: "100%" }
legend: {
visible: true
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column"
series: [
name: "A",
// order: 1,
stack: "Chart",
data: chart_Profiling//[76067, 0, 0]
name: "B",
// order: 2,
stack: "Chart",
data: chart_Compulsory//[14183, 0, 0]
name: "C",
// order: 3,
stack: "Chart",
data: chart_Complement//[1197, 465606, 6567]
name: "HWW",
visibleInLegend: false,
stack: "Chart1",
data: chart_Profiling_1//[76067, 0, 0]
name: "HWW",
visibleInLegend: false,
stack: "Chart1",
data: chart_Compulsory_1 //[14183, 0, 0]
name: "HWW",
visibleInLegend: false,
stack: "Chart1",
data: chart_Complement_1//[1197, 465606, 6567]
name: "OHA E",
visibleInLegend: false,
stack: "Chart2",
data: chart_Profiling_All_SomeArticles//[76067, 0, 0]
name: "OHA E",
visibleInLegend: false,
stack: "Chart2",
data: chart_Compulsory_All_SomeArticles //[14183, 0, 0]
name: "OHA E",
visibleInLegend: false,
stack: "Chart2",
data: chart_Complement_All_SomeArticles//[1197, 465606, 6567]
seriesColors: ["rgb(214,186,114)", "rgb(197,200,203)", "rgb(170,115,80)"],
valueAxis: {
// majorUnit: (max7 / 10),
//max: (max7 + (max7 / 6)),
min: 0,
max: max7,
labels: {
template: "#= kendo.format('{0:N0}', value ) # "
line: {
visible: true
categoryAxis: {
categories: [Category1,Category2,Category3,Category4],
majorGridLines: {
visible: true
labels: {
template: labelTemplate,
rotation: -45
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#= #: #= value #"
pannable: {
// lock: "y",
// lock: "x"
zoomable: {
mousewheel: {
//lock: "y"
selection: {
// lock: "y"
I need to show the chart as shown in uploaded image.