How to set the position of custom editor in a kendospreadsheet of multiple sheets having variable columns count.

1 Answer 121 Views
Editor Spreadsheet
Chandan kumar
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Chandan kumar asked on 05 Jul 2021, 02:19 PM

We are using a custom editor on one of the columns of the kendo spreadsheet. The Kendo spreadsheet contains multiple sheets each having variable number of columns. As of now we are creating all the sheets  with equal number of columns by getting the maximum column count from the sheet having max number of columns and then for the other sheets with less column count , we are hiding them.

I am using the following custom editor code to position the editor with the cells. I am using  ".k-spreadsheet-active-shell.k-right" class to identify the rightmost column and get the position of the column. But now in the current situation because I have some hidden columns after my actual column where I need the custom editor, k-right class is not getting applied .


Is there a workaround for this? Can kendospreadsheet contains sheets with different columns count?

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Telerik team
answered on 08 Jul 2021, 11:53 AM


Currently, the rows and columns in the Spreadsheet could be set only for the entire widget, but not per sheet. There is a related feature request in our official Feedback Portal and I will encourage you to cast a vote for it.

Regarding the position of the custom editor, I am not sure I understand the issue correctly. Are you trying to apply a custom class on the editor and then find the respective element by that class? Could you please share more information about the custom editor implementation? Is the custom editor on the right-most column? Please share more details on the exact scenario and implementation, so we could understand the issue better and provide appropriate assistance. 

Looking forward to your reply.

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Editor Spreadsheet
Asked by
Chandan kumar
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Telerik team
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