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How to set main menu remains selected on navigation to multiple controller/view within the menu?

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Kanimozhi asked on 09 Jan 2014, 10:09 AM

I have a kendo menu with two menu items in partial view. Inside a single menu, I have multiple controller/view navigation. But the issue here is only for the single controller action (default controller mentioned in menu), the menu remains selected(selected style applied). If I am navigating to different Controller/View within the menu, it doesn’t remain selected (default style).

Any solution for this or how to achieve it?

Code will be as below:

.Name("MenuHeader").HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "headermenu"
.Items(items =>
items.Add().Text("Product").Action("Product ", "Home");
items.Add().Text("Category").Action("Category", "Category");

Within product I am having another partial view,
.Items(items =>
items.Add().Text("ListBox").Action("ListBox ","ListBox ");
items.Add().Text("DropDown").Action("DropDown ","DropDown ");
items.Add().Text("TextBox").Action("TextBox ","TextBox ");

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Georgi Krustev
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jan 2014, 12:27 PM
Hello Kanimozhi,

In general, the HighlightPath functionality tries to select a specific menu item, which points to the current opened URL. Unfortunately, I am not exactly sure what happens in your case and I will need additional information. It will be very helpful if you can prepare a simple test project, which replicates the problem. Thus I will be able to review it locally and advice you further.

Georgi Krustev
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Georgi Krustev
Telerik team
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