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How to set children in kendo.observableHierarchy()?

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Hierarchical Data Source
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Marco asked on 21 Apr 2017, 10:56 AM

In a non-MVVM enviroment, I can define the child entities of my hierarchical datasource by setting the schema:

var datasource = new{  
    data: [ /*... */ ],  
    schema: { 
        model: {
            children: "Assets"


In a viewModel I am defining the same datasource like this:

function buildDataSource(data) {, function(item) {
        item.type = "folder";
   var tree = unflatten(data.assets);
   return tree;
function loadTreeView(dataSource) {
    documentsModel.set("treeviewSource", kendo.observableHierarchy(dataSource));
    kendo.bind($("#Treeview"), documentsModel);
     dataType: "json",
     url: "scripts/assets.json"


What is happening here, that I am loading a flat array of json objects from a file (later api endpoint) and unflatten this list, so it is in a hierachical format. The method to unflatten this array is naming the children "Assets". Running this, the treeview fails to display. If I change the unflatten method to name those children "items", the treebiew works.

You can reproduce this in this Dojo:

Change items, to anything else and it stops working. How can I configure the kendo.observableHierarchy, so it uses any other property then "items" to determine if an object has children using a viewModel?

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answered on 25 Apr 2017, 05:05 AM

I have set the model in the sample that you provided and it worked correctly at my side. Here is the updated dojo page. Please let me know if you have your scenario is somehow different.

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answered on 25 Apr 2017, 06:09 AM

Ah the schema was, what I was missing.


Thanks a lot - you deserve a beer :)

Hierarchical Data Source
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