I need to read the raw json data that was read by my datasource.
Here is my code:
The table/grid shows the data correctly, but the JavaScript code
shows just [], so it seems to be an empty array.
So how can I display the original, raw JSON data that comes from getData.php?
I also want to show the number of items, but
How the array can be empty and length can be zero but grid shows correct data?
By the way the JSON-data coming from getData.php looks like:
{"text": "Item 1", "name": "Name1"},
{"text": "Item 2", "name": "Name2"}
Thanks a lot!
I need to read the raw json data that was read by my datasource.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function ()
myDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource(
url: "./module/getData.php",
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
schema: {data: "data"}
dataSource: myDataSource
<table id="test">
<th data-field="text">Name</th>
<th data-field="desc">Description</th>
The table/grid shows the data correctly, but the JavaScript code
shows just [], so it seems to be an empty array.
So how can I display the original, raw JSON data that comes from getData.php?
I also want to show the number of items, but
var data = m
Just shows 0 (zero)
How the array can be empty and length can be zero but grid shows correct data?
By the way the JSON-data coming from getData.php looks like:
{"text": "Item 1", "name": "Name1"},
{"text": "Item 2", "name": "Name2"}
Thanks a lot!
I have a datasource with a transport which I can hook to a grid and get rows to display. While trying to troubleshoot another issue (probably will be another forum post), I did the following with this datasource:
var datapre = dataSourceXX.data();
var data = datapre.toJSON();
console.log("datapre v");
console.log("data v");
datapre v
[type: function, _events: Object, parent: function, init: function, toJSON: function…]
_events: Object
length: 0
parent: function (){return t.parent()}
type: function (e){var t,n,i=this,r=function(){return i};tt.fn.init.call(this);for(n in e)t=e[n],"_"!=n.charAt(0)&&(t=i.wrap(t,n,r)),i[n]=t;i.uid=et.guid()}
__proto__: i
data v
When hooked to the same datasource, the grid displays 5 rows.
dataSource: dataSourceXX,
We are not sure how to replicate this. Can you create a sample where this behavior can be observed?
Regards,Nikolay Rusev
The dataSource reads the data from the JSON webservice just fine (I can see it in firebug response and if I set a schema function)
I was unable to read the data using data(). Using data() I would get an object with about 4 fields one of which is length and it was undefined.
I tried using change: with this.data() and it was the same.
I did find a way to get the data I want.
requestEnd: function (e) {
view_model.set('items', processResponse(e.response));
Here is the whole function:
function getDetails(id) {
var details_ds = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: '<%= APIBaseAddress %>' + 'Detail',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
data: { Id: id }
requestEnd: function (e) {
view_model.set('items', processResponse(e.response));
I am wondering if this is an acceptable way of doing it and why data() does not work.
I am having the same problems. Here is the code and the result:
//Static datasources. These are needed for the dropdowns within a grid. Putting the dropdown data in a datasource declaration is not sufficient as it loads the data from the server on every click making the dropdowns within a grid very slow.
buyers = new kendo.data.DataSource({data:[{"buyerid":31,"buyerprefix":"AM"},{"buyerid":18,"buyerprefix":"AR"},{"buyerid":49,"buyerprefix":"BH"},{"buyerid":50,"buyerprefix":"BH"},{"buyerid":17,"buyerprefix":"CL"},{"buyerid":42,"buyerprefix":"CO"},{"buyerid":30,"buyerprefix":"CS"},{"buyerid":3,"buyerprefix":"CV"},{"buyerid":2,"buyerprefix":"DK"},{"buyerid":1,"buyerprefix":"EB"},{"buyerid":52,"buyerprefix":"EJO"},{"buyerid":12,"buyerprefix":"ES"},{"buyerid":26,"buyerprefix":"EW"},{"buyerid":4,"buyerprefix":"FY"},{"buyerid":25,"buyerprefix":"GA"},{"buyerid":5,"buyerprefix":"JA"},{"buyerid":44,"buyerprefix":"JT"},{"buyerid":15,"buyerprefix":"KG"},{"buyerid":16,"buyerprefix":"KK"},{"buyerid":6,"buyerprefix":"KM"},{"buyerid":43,"buyerprefix":"KS"},{"buyerid":45,"buyerprefix":"LD"},{"buyerid":7,"buyerprefix":"LG"},{"buyerid":8,"buyerprefix":"LP"},{"buyerid":22,"buyerprefix":"MB"},{"buyerid":14,"buyerprefix":"MH"},{"buyerid":33,"buyerprefix":"ML"},{"buyerid":9,"buyerprefix":"SD"},{"buyerid":10,"buyerprefix":"SKB"},{"buyerid":21,"buyerprefix":"SR"},{"buyerid":47,"buyerprefix":"SVM"},{"buyerid":48,"buyerprefix":"SVM"},{"buyerid":46,"buyerprefix":"SW"},{"buyerid":11,"buyerprefix":"TH"},{"buyerid":51,"buyerprefix":"TJ"},{"buyerid":13,"buyerprefix":"VL"}]
var data = buyers.data();
It returns 0. Is this due to the data handle in the static datasource? I have tried everything (for 16 hours now) and I can't seem to iterate over the datasource successfully.
The only way that I found to achieve looping thru a datasource that contains the data handle (like my ds above) is:
function getBuyerPrefixForDropdown(buyerid){
// Set global variables that are accessible to both outer and inner functions.
var buyerPrefix = '';
// Loop thru the Kendo datasource using the javascript 'promise' based Kendo 'datasource.fetch' function.
var dsFetch = buyerDs.fetch(function(){
var data = buyerDs.data();
for(var i=0, length=data.length; i<length; i++){
if (data[i].buyerid === buyerid) {
// Set the global labelValue var in order to return it properly to the outer function. This should either be null or the proper value.
buyerPrefix = data[i].buyerprefix;
}//if --->
return buyerPrefix;