17 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Mlle,
You could handle the GroupExpandedChanged event of RadPanelBarGroupElement which is fired when a group is expanded or collapsed.
I hope that helps. If you need further assistance do not hesitate to write back.
the Telerik team
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You could handle the GroupExpandedChanged event of RadPanelBarGroupElement which is fired when a group is expanded or collapsed.
I hope that helps. If you need further assistance do not hesitate to write back.
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answered on 08 Jun 2007, 08:02 AM

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answered on 13 Jun 2007, 07:09 AM
Hi Telerik,
Thanks for your assistance but I have some other questions.I've used the GroupExpandedChanged event, it works with the default radpanelbar, but with the outlook style, only GroupSelectedChanged event works with.
I wanna know if I've some wrong.
The second problem is that the groupelement expanded by default one we run the application doesn't show what it's programed for.In other word, the event associated to the default groupelement expanded is excuted only when I active another groupelement first.
I hope that I was clear.
Thanks for your assistance but I have some other questions.I've used the GroupExpandedChanged event, it works with the default radpanelbar, but with the outlook style, only GroupSelectedChanged event works with.
I wanna know if I've some wrong.
The second problem is that the groupelement expanded by default one we run the application doesn't show what it's programed for.In other word, the event associated to the default groupelement expanded is excuted only when I active another groupelement first.
I hope that I was clear.
Hello Bahri,
When the panel bar is in OutLookStyle it is normal that only the GroupSelectedChanged event gets fired. This is so because you don't have a real expand/collapse behavior there. The GroupExpandedChanged event is fired in all styles of RadPanelBar with the exception of the OutLookStyle. I'm sorry for not explaining this better in my previous post.
As to the second question, I am not sure that I understand what you need to accomplish. Will it be possible to send me a sample project and some screenshots of what you want to achieve? I have transferred your forum post to our support ticketing system so that you can attach the files.
Thanks in advance.
the Telerik team
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When the panel bar is in OutLookStyle it is normal that only the GroupSelectedChanged event gets fired. This is so because you don't have a real expand/collapse behavior there. The GroupExpandedChanged event is fired in all styles of RadPanelBar with the exception of the OutLookStyle. I'm sorry for not explaining this better in my previous post.
As to the second question, I am not sure that I understand what you need to accomplish. Will it be possible to send me a sample project and some screenshots of what you want to achieve? I have transferred your forum post to our support ticketing system so that you can attach the files.
Thanks in advance.
the Telerik team
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answered on 14 Jun 2007, 07:18 AM
Thanks for your replay.My problem is that tha first time I run the application, the groupelement expanded(it is called "Dossiers") is empty and even you click on nothing is shown.when you choose the next groupelement( called "Gestion"), this one is expanded and its controls shown.when you rechoose " Dossiers", it will be shown with all its controls.
So I don't understand why it doesn't work as soon as I run the application.
Thanks for your replay.My problem is that tha first time I run the application, the groupelement expanded(it is called "Dossiers") is empty and even you click on nothing is shown.when you choose the next groupelement( called "Gestion"), this one is expanded and its controls shown.when you rechoose " Dossiers", it will be shown with all its controls.
So I don't understand why it doesn't work as soon as I run the application.
The behavior you are describing is not normal so you've probably found a bug in RadPanelBar. I've tested and debugged it so I confirm the unusual behavior.
As a solution a could propose the following workaround:
this.radPanelBar1.PanelBarElement.ChildSelectedChanged(this.radPanelBar1.Items[1] as RadPanelBarGroupElement);
this.radPanelBar1.PanelBarElement.ChildSelectedChanged(this.radPanelBar1.Items[0] as RadPanelBarGroupElement);
That code is selecting a group through the API of RadPanelBar. As you can see that I first select the second group and then the first group.
The bug you've found is going to be fixed for the Q2 release of RadControls for WinForms.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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As a solution a could propose the following workaround:
this.radPanelBar1.PanelBarElement.ChildSelectedChanged(this.radPanelBar1.Items[1] as RadPanelBarGroupElement);
this.radPanelBar1.PanelBarElement.ChildSelectedChanged(this.radPanelBar1.Items[0] as RadPanelBarGroupElement);
That code is selecting a group through the API of RadPanelBar. As you can see that I first select the second group and then the first group.
The bug you've found is going to be fixed for the Q2 release of RadControls for WinForms.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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answered on 14 Jun 2007, 12:48 PM
Thanks Ray for your help, so it works.the only thing to add is that the events related to treeview control don't fire only when you click on the radpanelbargroupElement(the first element).
Hello Mlle,
Could you give us more information about the TreeView you are using in the PanelBar? Are using our RadTreeView or the standard TreeView control? Also, which events do not fire?
If possible, please open a new support ticket and send us a sample application demonstrating the faulty behavior. This way we will be able to give you better help with your current issues.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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Could you give us more information about the TreeView you are using in the PanelBar? Are using our RadTreeView or the standard TreeView control? Also, which events do not fire?
If possible, please open a new support ticket and send us a sample application demonstrating the faulty behavior. This way we will be able to give you better help with your current issues.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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answered on 18 Jun 2007, 10:20 AM
One thing to add is that I used The Q1 2007 version but now I've downloaded The Q1 SP1 update,and I use it.
The problem is that when I run the application the radTreeview inside the radPanelBar doesn't work properly.
The problem is that when I run the application the radTreeview inside the radPanelBar doesn't work properly.
Hi Najoua,
The new information you have sent does not give us new details on the problem and we are not sure how to address it. What exactly is not working properly in RadTreeView? I think that there could be some things already serialized, and as we've made some changes of the controls since the Q1 release, you could be experiencing a faulty behavior of the control.
I will appreciate more details on your application. I'm looking forward to your reply.
the Telerik team
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The new information you have sent does not give us new details on the problem and we are not sure how to address it. What exactly is not working properly in RadTreeView? I think that there could be some things already serialized, and as we've made some changes of the controls since the Q1 release, you could be experiencing a faulty behavior of the control.
I will appreciate more details on your application. I'm looking forward to your reply.
the Telerik team
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answered on 19 Jun 2007, 12:21 PM
Thanks for the replay,
So I find the solution for my problem. It was just a question of treeView used in the new version.
So I find the solution for my problem. It was just a question of treeView used in the new version.

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answered on 19 Jun 2007, 12:47 PM
I have problems with treeView events.when I generate the program, there is no error in the code but when I run the application, there is a trouble shooting.I don't understand how can I make it work.
So I think that the problem is related to the Cllick event.
So I think that the problem is related to the Cllick event.
Hello Bahri,
I tested the sample project that you have sent us (the one with RadPanelBar and RadTreeView) and I confirm that there is a problem with the Click event. While on it, I also tried using the MouseClick event and it worked just fine. My proposal is to use the MouseClick event of RadTreeView, or use its MouseUp event and check whether the cursor position is in the client area of the tree view.
I hope this helps.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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I tested the sample project that you have sent us (the one with RadPanelBar and RadTreeView) and I confirm that there is a problem with the Click event. While on it, I also tried using the MouseClick event and it worked just fine. My proposal is to use the MouseClick event of RadTreeView, or use its MouseUp event and check whether the cursor position is in the client area of the tree view.
I hope this helps.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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answered on 21 Jun 2007, 11:36 AM
Excuse me , but the troubleshooting now is related to a form that holds different radcontrols.there no error and I tried to treat rhe exception event, but the same problem.So I've got the message error telling me that is problem of Telerik.winforms.UI.
I hope I was clear.
I hope I was clear.
Hi Najoua,
We confirm that the Click event of RadTreeView is not firing properly so you could use the mouse click event of RadTreeView instead. To subscribe to the MouseClick event use the following code segment:
this.radTreeView1.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(radTreeView1_MouseClick);
Then you can move the code from the Click event handler to the mouse click event handler,
Could you please send us the Trace of the Exception or tell us how to reproduce it?
All the best,
the Telerik team
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We confirm that the Click event of RadTreeView is not firing properly so you could use the mouse click event of RadTreeView instead. To subscribe to the MouseClick event use the following code segment:
this.radTreeView1.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(radTreeView1_MouseClick);
Then you can move the code from the Click event handler to the mouse click event handler,
Could you please send us the Trace of the Exception or tell us how to reproduce it?
All the best,
the Telerik team
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answered on 22 Jun 2007, 12:18 PM
I th that the trouble is due to a use of a panel as a choild control of the radgridview.you can reproduce something like this and you will see how it works.
Hi Najoua,
As we mentioned in your other forum thread adding RadPanelBar as a child control to the RadGridView will cause unexpected results. This is not the proper way for adding controls to the RadGridView. You can try adding a RadItem with a control inside it (HostItem) as a child of a grid cell.
Dimitar Kapitanov
the Telerik team
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As we mentioned in your other forum thread adding RadPanelBar as a child control to the RadGridView will cause unexpected results. This is not the proper way for adding controls to the RadGridView. You can try adding a RadItem with a control inside it (HostItem) as a child of a grid cell.
Dimitar Kapitanov
the Telerik team
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