I am using a grid with an odata datasource.
When I enable serverSorting and serverFiltering it isn't working. For some reason the endpoint (Azure Mobile Service .net Backend) returns a bad request when the $'s are encoded.
For example, here is a request with the $ encoded:
GET /tables/members?%24inlinecount=allpages&%24top=50&%24orderby=memberNumber
For some reason, that returns bad requst: message=The query specified in the URI is not valid. Could not find a property named 'memberNumber' on type 'myapi.DataObjects.Members'.
But, if I take the same request from fillder into the composer and change it to:
GET /tables/members?%24inlinecount=allpages&%24top=50&$orderby=memberNumber
I get a 200 response and the grid binds to the data no problem.
I tried to set processData to false, but that just sends like [object:object] on the Url.
Any idea how I can prevent the $'s from being encoded? Or, how I can turn them back to $, perhaps in the beforeRequest method?