MyDbContext.GetProjects() which is generated via EntityFramework 6 from a stored procedure.
The return type is ObjectResult<MyProject>
I want to mock the results with a specific collection of Data.
trying to use the following:
results in:
Error 18 The type 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectResult<T>' has no constructors defined ............
I am new to JustMock and appreciate the help. Thanks!
MyDbContext.GetProjects() which is generated via EntityFramework 6 from a stored procedure.
The return type is ObjectResult<MyProject>
I want to mock the results with a specific collection of Data.
Mock.Arrange(() => MyDbContextMock.GetProjects()).Returns(FakeEmptyList());
trying to use the following:
public ObjectResult<
> FakeEmptyList()
return new ObjectResult<
results in:
Error 18 The type 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectResult<T>' has no constructors defined ............
I am new to JustMock and appreciate the help. Thanks!