I could use a little help if you can. I am new to Telerik and a relatively new programmer, so please bear with me as I try to explain my goal.
Essentially what I am trying to do is pivot records from a "View" in my database to produce a full year calendar using a radGridView as the container for the output. The radGridView is bound to a seperate SQL Server table. There are 12 records in the table and 33 columns.This table is only used as a template for the radGridView so all fields are null except for the two where I have set the month name and month #. The radGridView is to be used for visualization only and is not meant to allow for direct editing of records. The table I am using for the template has;
* 12 rows
- One row for each month ( RowIndex + 1 = month of the year)
* 33 Columns
- One column for the name of the month ( .ColumnIndex 0)
- One column for each possible day of the month ( .ColumnIndex 1 - 31). The day columns are named 1, 2, ..... ,31
- The last column in the grid ( .ColumnIndex 32) has the month number. Used for sorting only.
What I am trying to do is;
- Loop through each cell where the column index is between 1 and 31;
- Query a view in my database (There is a date field in the View where I have parted the day, month and year from the date into seperate columns)
- Return a record, if it exists, where
- day = .ColumnIndex
- month = Rowindex + 1
- Year = Textbox2.Text
- GPID = Textbox1.Text
- Set the Cell value to the string returned from the database
The "View" I am querying has 6 columns; GPID, AttDate, aDay, aMonth, aYear, Incidents
The following code works except that it sets each cell value in the columns to the first matching record it finds in the database.
Private Sub radGridView1_CellFormatting()
Dim selectedIndex As Integer = Me.RadGridView1.Rows.IndexOf(Me.RadGridView1.CurrentRow)
Dim selectedcolumn As Integer = Me.RadGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
Dim EE As Integer
Dim vbDay As Integer 'Day of the month, also the name of the column
Dim vbMonth As Integer ' Month of the year, also row index + 1
Dim vbYear As Integer 'Year being generated
EE = CInt(TextBox1.Text) ' Employee id #
vbYear = CInt(TextBox2.Text) 'Year for calendar
For Each row As GridViewDataRowInfo In RadGridView1.Rows
If Me.RadGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex > 0 and Me.RadGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex < 32 Then
vbDay = selectedcolumn
vbMonth = selectedIndex + 1
row.Cells("1").Value = GetEntry(EE, vbDay, vbMonth, vbYear) 'Testing with only a couple of columns.
row.Cells("2").Value = GetEntry(EE, vbDay, vbMonth, vbYear)
' ......
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetEntry(ByVal EE As Integer, ByVal vbDay As Integer, ByVal vbMonth As Integer, ByVal vbYear As Integer)
Dim CalEntry As String
Dim connstring As String = ("Data Source=MyComputer\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MAPPSQL;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Password=mypass")
Dim SelectSQLInc As String = ("Select Incidents From View_AttCombined Where (GPID like '" & EE & "') and (aDay like '" & vbDay & "') and (aMonth like '" & vbMonth & "')and (aYear like '" & vbYear & "')")
Dim MySDA As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim DBconn As New SqlConnection(connstring)
Dim myCom As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SelectSQLInc, DBconn)
Dim MyDS As New DataSet
MySDA.SelectCommand = myCom
CalEntry = MyDS.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(("Incidents").ToString)
Catch ex As Exception
CalEntry = "" 'Return nothing if no matching record is found.
End Try
Return CalEntry
End Function
What would I change to loop through each cell one at the time and set the value to the value returned from GetEntry?
Thanks for the help. Let me know if I have totally confused you and need to clarify myself.