I have desktop alert with 2 controls
1) RadGridView (shown)
2) Panel with text area and some buttons. (hidden)
In radgridview, when i click on command button in a row, i need to show that panel with some additional info inside the text area.
So when i clicked, i have such code:
AlertControl.FixedSize = new Size(ALERT_WIDTH, _height);
_textBox.Text = txtMessage;
_textBox.Visible =
_btnCollapse.Enabled =
_btnNotify.Enabled =
_panelWithButtons.Visible = true;
This code works fine only when i use Hide(), this code, Show(). Have flickering here.
Without hide/show i see pretty strange thing, gridview disappear, textarea shown at top of control and height not changed (visually).
So how to invalidate without flickering, or what i can do at all here ?
1) RadGridView (shown)
2) Panel with text area and some buttons. (hidden)
In radgridview, when i click on command button in a row, i need to show that panel with some additional info inside the text area.
So when i clicked, i have such code:
AlertControl.FixedSize = new Size(ALERT_WIDTH, _height);
_textBox.Text = txtMessage;
_textBox.Visible =
_btnCollapse.Enabled =
_btnNotify.Enabled =
_panelWithButtons.Visible = true;
This code works fine only when i use Hide(), this code, Show(). Have flickering here.
Without hide/show i see pretty strange thing, gridview disappear, textarea shown at top of control and height not changed (visually).
So how to invalidate without flickering, or what i can do at all here ?