how to hide column on table grid, but that column show on form create?
Look at this :
So, if like that, columns will be show on table and form create are Column1 and Column2
how to make only Column1 is show in table, but on form create Column1 and Cloumn2 is showed
Look at this :
schema: {
model: {
id: "Id",
fields: {
Id: { type: "number" },
Column1: { type: "string"},
Column2: { type: "string" },
columns: [
title: "Column1",
field: "Column2",
title: "Column2",
{ command: [{text:"Edit record", name:"edit"}, {text:"Delete record",name:"destroy"}], title: " ", width: "210px" }
So, if like that, columns will be show on table and form create are Column1 and Column2
how to make only Column1 is show in table, but on form create Column1 and Cloumn2 is showed