Im using kendo mutliselect and dropdown list using angular js. i want to display items not available if items are not there.
i tried with select event its working only if drop down is not in repeat and with id,how can i do if drop down or multi select is with in ng-repeat. and if i use select event i need to do more code,is there any alternative to solve this issue?
here is my code for multi select:
<select kendo-multi-select k-ng-model="manageResource.asset.operators"
k-options="manageResource.customOptions" k-rebind="manageResource.customOptions"></select>
manageResource.customOptions = {
placeholder: "Select Operator",
valuePrimitive: true,
autoBind: false,
headerTemplate: '<div class="dropdown-header k-widget k-header">' +
'<span>Photo</span> ' +
'<span>Employee Name</span>' +
itemTemplate: '<span class="k-state-default">' +
'<img src="#:data.imagePath#" alt="edit" width="24px" height= "24px" /></span>' +
'</span> ' +
'<span class="k-state-default">#: data.name #</span>',
tagTemplate: '<span class="selected-value">' +
'<img src="#:data.imagePath#" alt="edit" width="24px" height= "24px" /></span>' +
'</span>' +