I have this field in my kendo grid column :
field: "tauxAcquisEntree",
template: '#if (tauxAcquisEntree === 0){#'
+ '<div class="text-right">#= tauxAcquisEntree #</div>'
+ '# }else if (tauxAcquisEntree > 1 ){#'
+ '<div class="d-flex justify-content-end"><div class="input-group d-flex flex-nowrap percent-input"> <input id="fraisent" name="fraisent" value="#= tauxAcquisEntree #" max="4" class="form-control text-center" min="1" type="number" step=1 pattern="[0-9]$" autocomplete="off" /> </div></div>'
+ '# }else{#'
+ '<div id="fraisOne" name="fraisOne" class="d-flex justify-content-end"><div class="input-group d-flex flex-nowrap percent-input"> <input value="#= tauxAcquisEntree #" class="form-control text-center" max="1" min="1" type ="number" pattern="[0-1]$" autocomplete="off" readonly /> </div></div>'
+ '# }#'
I have a condition when i get the field "tauxAcquisEntree" from the "database" if it's equal to "1" the input type number becomes readonly.
The problem is when the user changes the value of the input type number in the front and it's equal to "1" the template condition gets triggered which is a behavior that i don't want to happen.
To summarize how can i get the if condition in the template to be applied only if the value if from backend or the database (and not what the user typed) ?
Hello, Youssef,
Thank you for the provided details.
In order for this to work on a per row basis, you'll have to add an additional field to the dataItem(row data). It can be called "userEdited" and its default value(that comes from the server) will be false.
Then, when the user edits the value of the cell, you can update the dataItem and set the value to `true`.
After that you just need to include the additional check in the template:
else if (tauxAcquisEntree > 1 && !userEdited)
The template is always re-rendered on any change and there is no way to prevent this behavior. That is why an additional check is required.
Best Regards,