Hi there!
I would like to customize the header of GanttChart timeline, like
if it is WeekView, "2023/2" in 1st line and "1" , "8" (← it will be the first day of week) in 2nd line or
if it is MonthlyView, "2023/Q1" in 1st line and "2", "3" (← it will be the month number like "2" means Feburay) in 2nd line.
let me know how should I customize to that.
I think that I should use "Views.MonthView.MonthHeaderTemplate" function, but I have no idea how I used it.
I found this API from this following link, but I can't get detail info because it had died.
ASP.NET MVC Gantt - API Reference - Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC
Could you please share me if there is any link in which explaination for gantt API info, how to use or which parameter should be passed.