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How to create an MDI form with child forms docked in the right?

1 Answer 170 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Afraz Ali
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Afraz Ali asked on 22 Sep 2014, 01:10 PM

I am looking at the RAD controls for Winforms and just love what Telerik has done over the years. I want to create a UI where I have a kind of stacked panel menu in the left side of the form and when I click on the menu, the child forms load in the right side of the form. This is slightly different UI where we have the menu either on the top or the Ribbon bar on the top and the child controls load in the form area. Is there any sample out there that shows how I can create such a UI and which controls I would need to form such a UI?

Afraz Ali

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Telerik team
answered on 23 Sep 2014, 03:05 PM
Hello Afraz,

Thank you for writing.

Perhaps you can use RadPageView in StackView to achieve the desired layout. It is a container control with page items. Here you can find its documentation:

Attached you can find a small video (opens in browser) demonstrating how to setup the control with the tabs on the left.

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Afraz Ali
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Telerik team
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