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How to control list of columns that are available in Conditional Formatting Rules Manager?

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Raymond asked on 12 Jul 2011, 03:24 PM


By default all properties from row object (databound item) goes to Conditional Formatting Rules Manager.

You can take a look at the attachment. 

  1. How can I select which columns should be available in this window?
  2. Can I somehow disable conditional formatting for whole grid? How to remove this option from column header context menu?


I have found option for hidding column chooser: radGridView1.AllowColumnChooser but I cannot find similar option for hiding conditional formatting.







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answered on 15 Jul 2011, 09:39 AM
Hi Raymond,

You can achieve the desired behavior by handling the ContextMenuOpening event of RadGridView. In addition, you need to extend the ConditionalFormattingForm form:

private void radGridView1_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuOpeningEventArgs e)
    GridHeaderCellElement headerCell = e.ContextMenuProvider as GridHeaderCellElement;
    if (headerCell == null)
    bool removeMenu = headerCell.ColumnInfo.Name == "ColumnWhichDoesNotSupportConditionalFormatting";
    string name = RadGridLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider.GetLocalizedString(RadGridStringId.ConditionalFormattingMenuItem);
    for (int i = e.ContextMenu.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        RadMenuItem menuItem = e.ContextMenu.Items[i] as RadMenuItem;
        if (menuItem == null || menuItem.Text != name)
        if (!removeMenu)
            menuItem = new RadMenuItem(name);
            menuItem.Tag = headerCell;
            menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(menuItem_Click);
            e.ContextMenu.Items.Insert(i, menuItem);

public class MyConditionalFormattingForm : ConditionalFormattingForm
    public MyConditionalFormattingForm(GridHeaderCellElement cell)
        : base(cell.ViewTemplate, cell.ColumnInfo as GridViewDataColumn)
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        RadDropDownList list = this.Controls.Find("radComboBoxColumns", true)[0] as RadDropDownList;
        string columnToRemove = "ColumnDoesNotSupportConditionalFormatting";
        for (int i = list.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            RadListDataItem item = list.Items[i];
            if (item.Text.Contains(columnToRemove))

I hope this helps.

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the Telerik team

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