Hi there,
i just couldn't figure it out wich *.less files (and in what order) i have to import to get a correct css file.
My current approach is the following:
@theme: 'material';
@theme: 'office365';
@theme: 'metro';
@asset-path: "http://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2016.2.714/styles/";
@theme-folder: e(`@{theme}.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + @{theme}.slice(1)`);
@import "kendo/web/kendo.@{theme}.less";
@image-folder: "@{asset-path}@{theme-folder}";
@import "kendo/web/kendo.common.core.less";
@import (optional) "kendo/web/kendo.common-@{theme}.core.less";
@import "kendo/web/kendo.common.less";
@import (optional) "kendo/web/kendo.common-@{theme}.less";
@import "kendo/web/kendo.@{theme}.mobile.less";
// kendo core files fix
@font-face {
font-family: "Kendo UI";
src: url("@{asset-path}images/kendoui.woff?v=1.1") format("woff"),
url("@{asset-path}images/kendoui.ttf?v=1.1") format("truetype"),
url("@{asset-path}images/kendoui.svg#kendoui") format("svg");
There are no errors, but some style just dont fit.
Bonus Question: If I want to use the type-custom.less from the theme builder, where did i have to add this file?