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How to change value of Textbox in Editor Template for cell. Value provided to server differs to displayed value.

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Malcolm asked on 01 Jul 2013, 12:09 PM
Dear KendoUI Team!
I hope you can help me out. I want to update some Editor Templates from the old Telerik Controls. I am using ASP.Net MVC 4.

My Editor Template looks like this

@model string
@using System.Collections
<div style="white-space:nowrap;">
    @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m, new { onclick = "setInvisible(\"SplitCountryList#=Rid#\")", onfocus = "setInvisible(\"SplitCountryList#=Rid#\")", id = "CoPrefSplit#=Rid#" })    
    <button id="SplitCountryDisplay" onclick="setVisibleAndFocus('\\#SplitCountryList#=Rid#','\\#SplitCountryCombo-input')" style="background-color:White; width: 20px; height:22px; font-size: 6pt">...</button>
<div id="SplitCountryList#=Rid#" style="position: absolute; overflow:visible; width:250px; z-index:99; margin-top: 0px; visibility:hidden;">
        .BindTo(new SelectList((IEnumerable)ViewData["Countries"], "Code", "DisplayName"))
        .HtmlAttributes(new {@ArticleID = "#=Rid#"})
        .Events(events => events

What I want to do is to set the value of the Textbox in the Change Event of the Combo-Box. My Approach is using .val()


The value displayed in the Textbox is changed then. BUT: The value transfered to the server is the old value of the Textbox.

The field has the value "US".  I edit the row.  I change the value to "CN" using the Combobox. "CN" is now displayed in the textbox in edit mode. When I want to update the row, "US" is provided as the value for the field in the model.

Is there a way to make kendoUI transfer the values that are displayed?

Malcolm Howlett?

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answered on 01 Jul 2013, 01:13 PM
Sorry! Wrong Forum
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