2) I need to restore the default font on the previous row the mouse was on -
how to know this?
Thanks !
Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jun 2009, 02:31 PM
Hi Ofer,
Thank you for writing. I thing that the easiest method to apply different font size for a hovered row is using custom theme. You can prepare a custom theme by using our Visual Style Builder. Please follow the instructions below:
1. Open Visual Style Builder from Start->Telerik -> RadControls For Winforms ....->Tools -> Visual style Builder
2. Load RadGridView control from File->Load Control -> Telerik.WincontrolsUI -> RadGridView
3. Select GridDataRowElement in the Control Structure tree on the left.
4. For Initial State and other conditions set the desired font size. Last RowVisualState condition is for Hovered state. Set larger font size for it. Keep in mind that you have to set font for every one of the condition tabs, in order to restore initial size when grid row is not hovered.
5. Set new name for your custom theme
6. Save theme file File -> Save theme as
7. Add the custom theme to your project.
Do not hesitate to contact me again if you have other questions.