To achieve this you will need 2 different things, first you will have to handle the ViewCellFormatting event described in this thread, with a slight modification, instead of using the MouseMove event, you should check if the column corresponding to the current cell is being sorted on or not. You can find out how to get the current sort descriptors as explained in this thread
Hope this helps, if you have any other questions, please let me know.
Thank you for very very very veryquick response :-)
You write about "cell is being sorted on or not".
I hope so that in similar way i will check if cell is filtered or not. Because I need change color of column header when filter is applied - not when id sorted.
But ... it Italsomaybe usefulto me :-) I can color header when user sort, filter or both
Yes, it is almost the same, it is just named FilterDescriptor (