The endpoints that I'm using to save & remove files with the uploader is implemented as a restful service. The endpoints look something like this:
POST : api/resource/{resourceId}/attachments
DELETE api/resource/{resourceId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
The post works no problem. I'm having trouble with the DELETE however because I need to the URL called for each file to include the id of the attachment being deleted.
My config looks like this at the moment:
<input name="files" type="file" kendo-upload k-files="wiz.attachments" k-async="{withCredentials : false,saveUrl : attachmentUrl, removeUrl : attachmentUrl, removeVerb : "DELETE", autoUpload : true}" k-select="onSelect" k-multiple="true"/>
Is it possible for me to change the removeUrl based on the file selected?
Thanks for your help