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How to add a dropdown in grid and on selection I want to display some selected data in different grid?

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Abhimanyu asked on 23 Oct 2012, 11:14 AM
I am trying this codeto add the dropdown in the template:-

 $( "#grdTrading" ).kendoGrid( {
            dataSource: grddataSource,   // static data source
            scrollable: true,
            height: 180,
            columns: [
           "Code", "Level",
            field: "Flag",
            template: "#=Flag.Name#",
            width: "150px",
            editor: TradingDropDownEditor

            editable: true,
            sortable: true,
            selectable: true

        } );

function TradingDropDownEditor( container, options )

            $( '<input data-text-field="Name" data-value-field="FlagID" id="Category" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>' ).appendTo( container ).kendoDropDownList( {
                autoBind: false,
                change: function ( e )

                    var grid = $( "#grdTrading" ).data( "kendoGrid" );
                    var dataItem = null;
           function ( e )
                        dataItem = grid.dataItem( $( this ) );
                        var id = dataItem.Code;
                        var DropdownText = dataItem.Flag.Name;
                        alert( DropdownText );
                        if ( id == "ABC" && DropdownText == "No" )

                        //Adding dropdown to the second grid
                            AssociatedData = [{ text: "No", value: "No"}];

                                $( "#grdAssociated" ).find( "#ddlAssoPort" ).kendoDropDownList( {
                                dataTextField: "text",
                                dataValueField: "value",
                                autoBind: true,
                                enable: false,
                                dataSource: AssociatedData

                            } );



                    } );


                dataSource: ddlFlag

            } );


I am able to add the dropdown but on change event if I select the dropdown it vanishes the the dropdown in the other grid.
Please look at the code and please help..!

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