I have a more detailed look at what I'm trying to do here (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35158369/how-do-you-customize-kendoui-grid-column-menu-for-mobile), this is the only thing stopping me right now from using the GRID.
After looking around for desktop mode I found how to modify the column menus.
columnMenuInit: function (e) { console.log("menu init");var field = e.field; console.log(field);var menu = e.container.find(".k-menu").data("kendoMenu"); menu.append([{text: "Highlight", spriteCssClass: "k-i-custom", content: '<div class="colorpicker' + field + '"></div>'}]); $(".colorpicker" + field).kendoFlatColorPicker({ preview: false, value: "#000", change: select});};
However, this does not work for mobile when mobile:true is set for the grid (A.K.A adaptive rendering mode). How would I customize the menu for the mobile version?