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How Do You Access Model And/Or Viewmodel properties/data on the client

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Jonathan asked on 17 Oct 2019, 02:22 PM



I have a hierarchy of data bound from several tables unioned together in the controller. Each level of nodes is bound to a view model so they all have the same properties. The treeview works fine, but I want to access the viewmodel properties on the select method of the treeview and I cannot find a resource that explains this well. Can anyone please provide a complete and simple example of how to accomplish this?



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answered on 21 Oct 2019, 12:29 PM

Hello Jonathan,

Binding an event handler function to the Select event can be achieved with the following:


You can then apply the custom logic via the onSelect function. The Select event will provide a reference to the selected node. This way it is possible to get the node UID and a reference to the selected dataItem. The dataItem will provide access to the properties of the selected item:

function onSelect(e) {
        var node = e.node;
        var itemUid = node.getAttribute("data-uid")
        var dataItem = e.sender.dataSource.getByUid(itemUid)

        alert('Item ID: ' + dataItem.ItemId +'\nExpiration date: ' + kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(dataItem.ExpirationDate),'dd/MMM/yyyy' + '\nAvailable: ' + dataItem.AvailableItems))


Attached is a sample project with the above implemented. In the example on select of a TreeView node, an alert is displayed, showing several of the node's properties.

Also, I have noticed that you have opened a support ticket on the same topic. In order to keep the communication focused, I would suggest you proceed with any further discussion there.

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