Working with the last Winform Q1-2012 and Vb.Net, I'm trying to set the theme "Metro" when the RadColorDialog is showed.
Searching in forum and documention I havn't found how to do this.
Assuming that you have added a Metro Theme component to your form, and you are launching the RadColorDialogForm from a RadButton click, then this will theme the dialogue.
Remember to mark as answer if this helps, and of course let me know if you need further help
PrivateSubRadButton1_Click(sender AsSystem.Object, e AsSystem.EventArgs) HandlesRadButton1.Click
It Work. But il will be more easy to be able to set the theme in the design mode...
Telerik team
answered on 24 Apr 2012, 02:41 PM
Hello Mr Filleau,
RadColorDialog is a Component rather than a control and this is the reason it does not have a ThemeName property. Please consider Richard's suggestion for setting the theme.