I am having trouble determining how to setup a TabStrip to load a tab's content from a json controller action and bind it to a kendo template; especially since @(Html.Kendo().DataSource()) and @(Html.Kendo().TabStrip().DataSource()) seem to be M.I.A.
Therefore, would it be possible to get an updated version of the ajax.cshtml demo on http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/web/tabstrip/ajax.html that demonstrates how to obtain the json data and bind the data to a kendo template rather than having the data hard-coded within the ajaxContent1.html, ajaxContent2.html, and ajaxContent3.html files?
Therefore, would it be possible to get an updated version of the ajax.cshtml demo on http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/web/tabstrip/ajax.html that demonstrates how to obtain the json data and bind the data to a kendo template rather than having the data hard-coded within the ajaxContent1.html, ajaxContent2.html, and ajaxContent3.html files?