Hey I have recently installed Telerik UI for WinForm, I have used the Chart control of Visual Studio just fine using this code on FormLoad, It is working fine and I am attaching screenshots:
DataSet dataSet;
ConnectionClass.GetInstance().connection_string = Properties.Settings.Default.MindMuscleConnectionString;
ConnectionClass.GetInstance().Sql = "Select Count(MemberInfo.memberName) as 'Members', CompetitionName as 'Competition' FROM MemberInfo, MemberBodyInfo, Competition WHERE MemberInfo.memberID = MemberBodyInfo.memberID AND MemberBodyInfo.weight >= Competition.CompetitionCategory and MemberBodyInfo.weight <= Competition.CompetitionCategory + 5 group by CompetitionName;";
dataSet = ConnectionClass.GetInstance().GetConnection;
chart1.Series["Series1"].Name = "Members";
chart1.Series["Members"].YValueMembers = "Members";
chart1.Series["Members"].XValueMember = "Competition";
this.chart1.Titles.Add("Competition Participants"); // Set the chart title
chart1.Series["Members"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie;
chart1.Series["Members"].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; // To show chart value
chart1.DataSource = dataSet;
I can not do the same thing on Telerik ChartView. How can I do this ? So far I have tried setting the datasource and datamember and got this so far...
Please help
DataSet dataSet;
ConnectionClass.GetInstance().connection_string = Properties.Settings.Default.MindMuscleConnectionString;
ConnectionClass.GetInstance().Sql = "Select Count(MemberInfo.memberName) as 'Members', CompetitionName as 'Competition' FROM MemberInfo, MemberBodyInfo, Competition WHERE MemberInfo.memberID = MemberBodyInfo.memberID AND MemberBodyInfo.weight >= Competition.CompetitionCategory and MemberBodyInfo.weight <= Competition.CompetitionCategory + 5 group by CompetitionName;";
dataSet = ConnectionClass.GetInstance().GetConnection;
chart1.Series["Series1"].Name = "Members";
chart1.Series["Members"].YValueMembers = "Members";
chart1.Series["Members"].XValueMember = "Competition";
this.chart1.Titles.Add("Competition Participants"); // Set the chart title
chart1.Series["Members"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie;
chart1.Series["Members"].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; // To show chart value
chart1.DataSource = dataSet;
I can not do the same thing on Telerik ChartView. How can I do this ? So far I have tried setting the datasource and datamember and got this so far...
Please help