How can I change the cursor color for DataFormRadEntryEditor-controls?

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Christian asked on 08 Apr 2024, 04:04 PM

I need a solution to get rid of the purple default color which does not fit into my color concept for Android and iOS. I found the solution for the RadEntry which should be the base function of the control, but I don't find how to get this base:

How can I change the cursor color for AuroComplete the have focused event on the MAUI in UI for .NET MAUI | Telerik Forums

It would be also fine to change the color of the underline too. I'm not sure if this color is set by the same property.



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answered on 09 Apr 2024, 08:17 AM

Hi Christian,

The The DataForm RadEntry editor uses the RadEntry control. The RadEntry has the following options for styling: You can apply styling to the DataFormRadEntryEditor by using the EditorStyle property. This is described here: 

If you want to change the focused border, then you have to use the FocusedBorderBrush through style .Here is an example: 

<ContentPage xmlns=""
            <Style TargetType="telerik:RadEntry" x:Key="Editor">
                <Setter Property="FocusedBorderBrush" Value="Red"/>
        <telerik:RadDataForm x:Name="dataform" AutoGenerateItems="False">
            <telerik:DataFormRadEntryEditor EditorStyle="{StaticResource Editor}" PropertyName="Name"/> 

Regarding to the cursor color, the link you shared shows the approach for the AutoComplete control. 

You can try adding a handler to the DataFormRadEntryEditor and add custom logic to customize the native element. 

Here is an example to get started:

    <telerik:RadDataForm x:Name="dataform" AutoGenerateItems="False">
        <telerik:DataFormRadEntryEditor HandlerChanged="DataFormRadEntryEditor_HandlerChanged" EditorStyle="{StaticResource Editor}" PropertyName="Name"/> 
    private void DataFormRadEntryEditor_HandlerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        var platform = this.Handler.PlatformView;
        // 2. Change the cursor
        if (this?.Handler?.PlatformView is Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup borderViewGroup)
            var textInputs = borderViewGroup.GetChildrenOfType<Google.Android.Material.TextField.TextInputLayout>();

            var textInput = textInputs.FirstOrDefault();

            if (textInput is { EditText.TextCursorDrawable: not null })
                textInput.EditText.TextCursorDrawable.SetColorFilter(new Android.Graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter(Android.Graphics.Color.Red, Android.Graphics.PorterDuff.Mode.Darken));

In general, we have a feature request logged for providing an option to change the caret color. Please cast your vote and follow the item: 

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commented on 09 Apr 2024, 02:34 PM

Unfortunately, this does not work for me because there is no TextInputLayout found in the platform view, but I found another solution for Android. I'm not really sure, which side effects this have, but currently it seams to be fine.

I changed the cursor and focus color by changing the colors.xml for Android:
Platforms > Android > Resources > values > colors.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Cursor -->
    <color name="colorPrimary">#649FC1</color>
    <!-- Status bar -->
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#418AB3</color>
    <!-- Focused text box and selected text background -->
    <color name="colorAccent">#418AB3</color>

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