I include globalize.js and globalize.culture.xx-XX.js befor Kendo UI scripts. Then I try execute "Globalize.culture("xx-XX")" and "kendo.culture("xx-XX")" in all possible combinations. From http://docs.kendoui.com/getting-started/framework/globalization/overview: "When globalize.js is registered before Kendo scripts, then Kendo will use globalize.js features instead of Kendo Globalization."
What does it mean? Does it mean for example that I can miss kendo.culture.xx-XX.js and DatePicker will still show localized months and week days? I try - it does not. So when, where and how Kendo UI uses globalize.js?
What does it mean? Does it mean for example that I can miss kendo.culture.xx-XX.js and DatePicker will still show localized months and week days? I try - it does not. So when, where and how Kendo UI uses globalize.js?