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High Dpi message box

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Roger asked on 31 Jul 2014, 02:21 PM

I'm currently designing my application for 1920*1080 screen res which seems to be a popular choice for many hi dpi laptops native resolutions.

I've managed to use some of the code in the forum to good effect and I'm experimenting with the code provided by Ivan Todorov in his useful high dpi article.

If I use the MS message box in my code the dialog size is ok for high res, using radmessagebox I get a reduced size. Can you provide some code or ideas on how to rectify this?

Any other advice or code on adapting to high res screens would be appreciated, although I realise that at the moment there doesn't seem to be a complete solution.



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answered on 05 Aug 2014, 11:14 AM
Hello Roger,

Thank you for writing.

In this case you can manually change the size of the controls. Keep in mind that this will also require you to change their location. You can get the form from the Instance​ property of RadMessageBox. You can also iterate its controls:
foreach (Control ctrl in RadMessageBox.Instance.Controls)
    //do something with ctrl
RadMessageBox.Instance.MinimumSize = new Size(0, 1000);

I hope this information helps. 

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