I've been attempting to translate several Kendo UI Grid examples to VB.Net. I've been trying to get the hierarchical grid example to work.
Can someone tell me why the code below does not work? Removing or commenting out the sub-grid allows the primary grid to work. But as soon as the sub-grid source is added I get the "Invalid template" error in the "Kendo.all.min.js" code. If I tell the IDE to continue the primary grid will display but it is empty.
MVC 3 Razor project
Version: 2012.3.1114
IDE: Visual Studio 2012
View source:
Controller source:
Can someone tell me why the code below does not work? Removing or commenting out the sub-grid allows the primary grid to work. But as soon as the sub-grid source is added I get the "Invalid template" error in the "Kendo.all.min.js" code. If I tell the IDE to continue the primary grid will display but it is empty.
MVC 3 Razor project
Version: 2012.3.1114
IDE: Visual Studio 2012
View source:
@(Html.Kendo().Grid(Of KendoUIMvcApplication1.ViewModels.EmployeeViewModel).Name("Employees") _
columns.Bound(Function(e) e.FirstName).Width(140)
columns.Bound(Function(e) e.LastName).Width(140)
columns.Bound(Function(e) e.Title).Width(200)
columns.Bound(Function(e) e.Country).Width(200)
columns.Bound(Function(e) e.City)
End Sub) _
.ClientDetailTemplateId("employeesTemplate") _
.Pageable() _
read.Action("HierarchyBinding_Employees", "Example")
End Sub)
End Sub) _
.Sortable() _
End Sub))
@(Html.Kendo().Grid(Of KendoUIMvcApplication1.ViewModels.OrderViewModel).Name("Orders_#=EmployeeID#") _
columns.Bound(Function(o) o.OrderID).Width(101)
columns.Bound(Function(o) o.ShipCountry).Width(140)
columns.Bound(Function(o) o.ShipAddress).Width(200)
columns.Bound(Function(o) o.ShipName).Width(200)
End Sub) _
read.Action("HierarchyBinding_Orders", "Example", New With {.employeeID = "#=EmployeeID#"})
End Sub)
End Sub) _
.Pageable() _
.Sortable() _
function dataBound() {
Imports System.Web.Mvc
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Data.Linq
Imports Kendo.Mvc.Extensions
Imports Kendo.Mvc.UI
Public Class ExampleController
Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller
Public Function Hierarchy() As ActionResult
Return View()
End Function
Public Function HierarchyBinding_Employees(<
> request As DataSourceRequest) As ActionResult
Return Json(GetEmployees().ToDataSourceResult(request))
End Function
Public Function HierarchyBinding_Orders(employeeID As Integer, <
> request As DataSourceRequest) As ActionResult
Return Json(GetOrders().Where(Function(order) order.EmployeeID = employeeID).ToDataSourceResult(request))
End Function
Private Shared Function GetOrders() As IEnumerable(Of ViewModels.OrderViewModel)
Dim northwind = New NorthwindDataContext()
Dim loadOptions = New DataLoadOptions()
loadOptions.LoadWith(Of Order)(Function(o) o.Customer)
northwind.LoadOptions = loadOptions
Return northwind.Orders.[Select](Function(order) New ViewModels.OrderViewModel() With { _
.ContactName = order.Customer.ContactName, _
.OrderDate = order.OrderDate, _
.OrderID = order.OrderID, _
.ShipAddress = order.ShipAddress, _
.ShipCountry = order.ShipCountry, _
.ShipName = order.ShipName, _
.EmployeeID = order.EmployeeID _
End Function
Private Shared Function GetProducts() As IEnumerable(Of ViewModels.ProductViewModel)
Dim northwind = New NorthwindDataContext()
Return northwind.Products.[Select](Function(product) New ViewModels.ProductViewModel() With { _
.ProductID = product.ProductID, _
.ProductName = product.ProductName, _
.UnitPrice = If(product.UnitPrice, 0), _
.UnitsInStock = If(product.UnitsInStock, 0), _
.UnitsOnOrder = If(product.UnitsOnOrder, 0), _
.Discontinued = product.Discontinued, _
.LastSupply = DateTime.Today _
End Function
Private Shared Function GetEmployees() As IEnumerable(Of ViewModels.EmployeeViewModel)
Dim northwind = New NorthwindDataContext()
Return northwind.Employees.[Select](Function(employee) New ViewModels.EmployeeViewModel() With { _
.EmployeeID = employee.EmployeeID, _
.FirstName = employee.FirstName, _
.LastName = employee.LastName, _
.Country = employee.Country, _
.City = employee.City, _
.Notes = employee.Notes, _
.Title = employee.Title, _
.Address = employee.Address, _
.HomePhone = employee.HomePhone _
End Function
End Class