Hide Filter/collapse dropdown when filter cell has value

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Martin Hamilton
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Martin Hamilton asked on 10 May 2024, 11:38 AM

When using the filtering cells on the gridview, let's say it is set to "Contains:" 

When the user types in that filter cell, the word "Contains:" remains visible and uses up most of the space where the user is typing... this often results in the letters or numbers that the user is typing there to become 'chopped off'.

For example, if the column width is 100 and the user is typing a 3 digit number "123" the filter cell shows only "23" because the dropdown is showing the word "Contains:" and it obscures the "1" in "123".

Is there a way to collapse the dropdown filters lettering when the filter cell has a value in it?  E.g. - Initially, it shows the word Contains... but as soon as the filter cell has a value, I'd like the word "Contains" to collapse or be removed.  Then if the user removes any values from the filter cell - the filter Dropdown selector reappears.

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Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 15 May 2024, 08:15 AM

Hello, Martin,

Thank you for writing.

RadGridview currently behaves in the way that you described you want. When the filter cell is not in edit mode it shows the whole text, let's say "Contains". Upon start typing into that cell, the filter operator text gets truncated or completely gets removed if the typed text exceed the width of the column. Indeed, the filter operator text is shown according to how much space there is in the cell. If the text typed by the user into the text box field is very long the filter text "Contains" will get removed and vice versa. Am I missing something?

I recorded a small video to demonstrate the behavior on my end. I am not sure what is happening in your project, but this behavior comes out of the box in RadGridView. 

I hope this information is useful. Should you have any other questions please let me know. 

Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
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Martin Hamilton
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Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
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