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Jeremy asked on 23 Feb 2012, 07:30 PM
Hello all!

My app has 12 grids that are nearly identical in structure, often appearing on the same page. However, half have one extra column.

Since hey are so similar I have extracted their initialization into a single function.

$.each($(".kendoGrid"), function () {
    loadJobGrid('#' + $(this).attr('id'));

But now I need to conditionally hide that one column.

In order of preference I'd like to know how to 

  • Hide columns after a grid is created. (and will this be a problem after events like datasource refresh, or paging?)
  • Or ... Modify the the columns: [ ... ] section to conditionally add a field.
Thanks all!

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answered on 23 Feb 2012, 08:07 PM
I'd like to partially answer my own question.  I don't know how to hide a column, or if that's a good idea, but for my scenario the best solution is as follows:

Since the columns: [ .. ] definition simple takes in a Json array, you can pass it in by parameter.  This will nativity set up the grid with the correct columns, without resorting to tricks.

<div id="gridActionItems" class="kendoGrid" data-viewid="3" data-coltype="3"></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
    $.each($(".kendoGrid"), function () {
        var coltype = $(this).data("coltype");
        loadJobGrid('#' + $(this).attr('id'), coltype);
function loadJobGrid(gridId, colType) {
                var cols;
                case 1:
                    var cols = [
                    { field: "JobID", title: "Job #" },
                    { field: "SubmitterName", title: "Submitter" },
                    { title: "", template: "<a href='javaScript:;' data-url='../Main/MoveJob.aspx' title='Move Job' class='moveLink' data-id='${ JobID }' data-parentGrid='gridPMNew'>Move</a>" }
              case 3:
                  var cols = [
                    { field: "JobID", title: "Job #" },
                    { field: "Designers", title: "Designers" },
                    { title: "Job Location Notes", template: "${ JobLocationNotes } <a href='javaScript:;' data-url='../ModalWindows/JobLocationNotes.aspx' title='Location Notes' class='jobLocationLink' data-id='${ JobID }'>Log</a>" },
                    { title: "", template: "<a href='javaScript:;' data-url='../Main/MoveJob.aspx' title='Move Job' class='moveLink' data-id='${ JobID }' data-parentGrid='gridPMNew'>Move</a>" }
    var grid = $(gridId)
         columns: cols,

I hope this helps someone else.
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