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Hide a Group in the Group By

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Paul asked on 17 Aug 2014, 10:54 AM
Hello Again...

I want to be able to hide a Group in the Group By.

I am binding the grid to a custom business object.  For example:

​class PermissionBinding
     public string PermissionName { get; set; }
     public string PermissionGroup { get; set; }

And the data in a BindingList<PermissionBinding> (#id, Permission Name, Permission Group) has:
#0:    Create, Group 1
#1:    Edit, Group 1
#2:    View, Group 1
#3:    Delete, Group 1
​#4:    Create, Group 2
#5:    Edit, Group 2
#6:    View, Group 2
#7:    Delete, Group 2

... and so on.

So I bind the list to the grid via a BindingSource (all set up via the designer).  But I create my list and set it to the binding source using:

_permissions = CreatePermissionBinding();
this.permissionBindingBindingSource.DataSource = _permissions;

I use Custom Grouping to group the rows under each Permission group nicely using the following:

Field Members (used to order the Groups and format the group name)
private const string GroupSortFormat = "{0:D4}. {1}|{1}";
        private Dictionary<string, int> _groupOrder = new Dictionary<string, int>()
            { "Group 1", 1 },
            { "Group 2", 2 },
            { "Group 3", 3 },

Form Constructor
this.PermissionGridView.CustomGrouping += PermissionGridView_CustomGrouping;
this.PermissionGridView.GroupSummaryEvaluate += PermissionGridView_GroupSummaryEvaluate;
this.PermissionGridView.EnableCustomGrouping = true;            
this.PermissionGridView.GroupDescriptors.Add(new Telerik.WinControls.Data.GroupDescriptor("PermissionGroup"));

Event Handlers

        private void PermissionGridView_GroupSummaryEvaluate(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GroupSummaryEvaluationEventArgs e)
            if (e.Value == null)
                e.FormatString = e.Group.Key.ToString().Split('|')[1]; // strip out the order from the format string to show the group name
        private void PermissionGridView_CustomGrouping(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCustomGroupingEventArgs e)
            var obj = (PermissionBinding)e.Row.DataBoundItem;
            e.GroupKey = string.Format(GroupSortFormat, _groupOrder[obj.PermissionGroup], obj.PermissionGroup); // make sure group is ordrered via string format

Now suppose I want to hide Group 2.  Can I do it?

I have tried the following which only hides the rows in a group - it still shows the grouping Group 2:
foreach (var row in this.PermissionGridView.Rows)
        row.IsVisible = groups.Contains((row.DataBoundItem as PermissionBinding).PermissionGroup) ? true : false;

I have successfully done it by removing the groups from the binding source BindingList<PermissionBinding>.  But I see this as a view/filter on the data - suppose this is triggered by a user clicking a button.  I really don't want to create the data source each time as it is populated through the database.  Although it is not a major issue.  I could maintain 2 lists - one main list and one filtered.  But I was wondering if there was something in the Grid I had obviously missed to do this.

NOTE:  Telerik is seriously kicking a competitors product into touch the more I do with it ;)!



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answered on 20 Aug 2014, 10:34 AM
Hello Andez,

Thank you for writing.

In this case you can hide the group row (assuming the groups collection contains the groups that you want to hide):
List<string> groups = new List<string>();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    groups.Add("Group 1");
    foreach (var row in this.radGridView1.Rows)
        if (groups.Contains((row.DataBoundItem as PermissionBinding).PermissionGroup))
            row.Group.GroupRow.IsVisible = false;         

I hope this helps.

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