I've been asked to integrate an exsisting component (a library the sends events about financial transaction) on a winfor application.
That library sends as an event a List of Item that are bound to a radgridcolumn via bindinglist.
Each time an event is fired I got this in my code
I wish to keep the context menu open even if sometime the refresh rate of the data is quite rapid (1 sec or less) but as the Bindingsource is refreshed I got the contextmenu closed.
I don't know under winform which is the best approach, can I have a concurrent queue to put the data from the list and then (in some way) to update the grid?
Or what?
Thanks in advance
I've been asked to integrate an exsisting component (a library the sends events about financial transaction) on a winfor application.
That library sends as an event a List of Item that are bound to a radgridcolumn via bindinglist.
Each time an event is fired I got this in my code
bindingSource.DataSource = tmrC.ViewableData;
I wish to keep the context menu open even if sometime the refresh rate of the data is quite rapid (1 sec or less) but as the Bindingsource is refreshed I got the contextmenu closed.
I don't know under winform which is the best approach, can I have a concurrent queue to put the data from the list and then (in some way) to update the grid?
Or what?
Thanks in advance