Is there a way to force descending order on a grouped column in Kendo Grid?
When I open the grid, I've got a list of operations grouped by operation data, but I want group ordered from most recent date.
I read that if I want to group and sort for the same field, the instruction is
group: [{ field: "OperationDate", dir: "desc" }]
What's the instruction for Razor Engine? Something like:
.Group(groups => groups.Add(p => p.OperationDate, ListSortDirection.Descending ) ?
Is there a way to force descending order on a grouped column in Kendo Grid?
When I open the grid, I've got a list of operations grouped by operation data, but I want group ordered from most recent date.
I read that if I want to group and sort for the same field, the instruction is
group: [{ field: "OperationDate", dir: "desc" }]
What's the instruction for Razor Engine? Something like:
.Group(groups => groups.Add(p => p.OperationDate, ListSortDirection.Descending ) ?