I'm using C#
Telerik UI for Winforms Q3 2015
Using a RadForm.
I have a radgridview.
I'm trying to get a Boolean Column to show as a Checkbox column.
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.DataSource = this.propertiesBindingSource;
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.DataType = typeof(bool);
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.DisplayMember = "lease_up";
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.EnableExpressionEditor = false;
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.FieldName = "propertynumber";
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.HeaderText = "column2";
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.Name = "column2";
gridViewComboBoxColumn1.ValueMember = "property_number";
This returns True or False as it should.
I want to use the DisplayMember Value for a CheckBox
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.EnableExpressionEditor = false;
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.Expression = "LeaseUp ";
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.FieldName = "LeaseUp2";
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.HeaderText = "Lease Up 2";
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.IsAutoGenerated = true;
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.MinWidth = 20;
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.Name = "LeaseUp2";
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.ReadOnly = true;
gridViewCheckBoxColumn2.Width = 80;
To Make sure what value was being passed I added the TextBox Column Below for testing
gridViewTextBoxColumn2.EnableExpressionEditor = false;
gridViewTextBoxColumn2.Expression = "column2 ";
gridViewTextBoxColumn2.HeaderText = "column1";
gridViewTextBoxColumn2.Name = "column1";
gridViewTextBoxColumn2.ReadOnly = true;
The Value returned by the Expression is the ValueMember (property_number)
and not the DisplayMember (lease_up)
What do I need to put in the Expression of either the TextboxColumn or
CheckBoxColumn to return gridViewComboBoxColumn1.DisplayMember (lease_up Boolean value)?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.