I am using the "GridViewComboBoxColumn" in the radgrid win forms. I have created a type of GridViewComboBoxColumn and added it to radgridview.
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.FieldName = "Data Base No";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.Name = "DataBaseNoCombo";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.HeaderText = "Data Base Num";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.DataSource = GetUserGrpData;
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.DisplayMember = "DBNumber";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.ValueMember = "UserGroupID";
I am facing an issue when setting a default value or value from database to GridViewComboBoxColumn and while updating also I am not able to read the selected value from the GridViewComboBoxColumn.
For E.G:
this.radDdlDn.SelectedValue = currentRow.Cells["UserID"].Value;
The above statement can be used to assign the value to radDropdownlist.
String strddlValue=this.radDdlDn.selectedItem.Text
The above statement can be used to read the selected value from radDropdownlist.
Similarly how can we perform the same operation with GridViewComboBoxColumn in radGridview
Thanks in advance
I am using the "GridViewComboBoxColumn" in the radgrid win forms. I have created a type of GridViewComboBoxColumn and added it to radgridview.
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.FieldName = "Data Base No";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.Name = "DataBaseNoCombo";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.HeaderText = "Data Base Num";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.DataSource = GetUserGrpData;
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.DisplayMember = "DBNumber";
gridViewDDLCombbxColumn2.ValueMember = "UserGroupID";
I am facing an issue when setting a default value or value from database to GridViewComboBoxColumn and while updating also I am not able to read the selected value from the GridViewComboBoxColumn.
For E.G:
this.radDdlDn.SelectedValue = currentRow.Cells["UserID"].Value;
The above statement can be used to assign the value to radDropdownlist.
String strddlValue=this.radDdlDn.selectedItem.Text
The above statement can be used to read the selected value from radDropdownlist.
Similarly how can we perform the same operation with GridViewComboBoxColumn in radGridview
Thanks in advance