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GridView export to excel issue ?

3 Answers 131 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Chia Ming Liu
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Rank 1
Chia Ming Liu asked on 24 Sep 2009, 02:39 PM

Can RadGridView support Export to Excel in Traditional-Chinese chars (in Office2007 Traditional-Chinese)?

I try these scripts, but the Chinese Chars cannot show(I only see the "?" char),

   ExportToExcelML exporter = new ExportToExcelML(this.radGridView1);
   exporter.SheetMaxRows = ExcelMaxRows._65535;
   exporter.ExportVisualSettings = true;
   string fileName = "ExportedData.xls";

thanks for your kindly help.


below is some sample data from the generated excel file:

StorerKey Type Company VAT Address1 Address2 Zip Contact1 Contact2 Phone1 Phone2 Fax1 Fax2 Email1 Email2 MemberID MemberAddDate ShortCode ShortName Phone Contact3 Phone3 Http TransactionCount TransactionAmount AvailableAmount LastTransactionDate DeliveryType PayType TaxType isVendor SaleMan SaleMan1 SaleMan2 SaleMan3 SaleManPhone1 SaleManPhone2 SaleManPhone3 SaleManMobile1 SaleManMobile2 SaleManMobile3 ContactMobile1 ContactMobile2 ContactMobile3 CounterNO SearchPath ChannelStorer GroupNo InvTitleCode BelongtoChannelStorer ISCusLabel PrePayAmount DeadAmount UseCase Zone SalesPermotePercent InvoiceTitle ZoneCombineType IsInvoice ZeroAmountNewTicketAllowed SendShippingTKByPDFFtpFolder SendShippingTKByPDFFtpFolderOn SendShippingTKByPDFEMail SendShippingTKByPDFFax SendShippingTKByPrintOut ShippingTKByPDFFtpFolder CurrentMonth_NotPayedMoney LastMonth_NotPayedMoney Last2Month_NotPayedMoney Over2Month_NotPayedMoney SubZone isPaperVendor SafetyPriceState SafetyPriceStateSystemInfoDate SafetyPriceStateInfoMan SafetyPriceStateInfoType SafetyPriceStateInfoDate isShipTKNotes ManufactureCompanyKey CompanyDetailKey Contact1Email Contact2Email FTPDataEmail AllowedAmount isOPVendor isSelfVendor UniqueTicket isCompanyInvoiceTitle ClientSystem Stop SalesNotes IssueMark Notes1 Notes2
0000000850 162 ???(??:????)   ????????????1?3?14?3-1? ????????????1?3?14?3-1? 427 ??? ??? 04-25336789 04-25336789 04-25316699       B0624 37622   ??? 04-25336789       112 237222 3430 39989.29 14 3 0 N SA SALE010 SARA SA 0970-066321#6026           0932-533263 0932-533263     \\dl360\f7\???\0000000850_????   F7-??? 00001   Y 0 0   0051 1.1   B Y Y N N N N Y   0 0 0 0     0         Y 00001 G0001       -5000 N N N N            

3 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 29 Sep 2009, 06:31 AM
Hello Chia Ming Liu,

Thank you for writing.

Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 20 Oct 2009, 01:17 PM

I also have a problem with special characters when I use an ExportToExcelML to export a grid. Symbols like ° and ² appear as '?' in the excel. This is indeed an encoding issue. It will be resolved in the next release? Is there a work-around I can use in the meantime, somewhere where i can manually set the encoding for an export to excel?

Thanks in advance.
Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Oct 2009, 07:22 AM
Hi A.,

Yes, this issue is going to be resolved in the next release - Q3 2009. The release has been planed for the beginning of November. If this is a real show stopper for you, the fix is available in the latest Internal Build as well. You can download it through your account -> downloads -> latest internal builds. Unfortunately, there is no available work-around for the current version Q2 2008 SP1

Write me back if you have other questions.

Martin Vasilev
the Telerik team

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Asked by
Chia Ming Liu
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
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