Grid won't render data after date range filtering

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ziental asked on 05 Jul 2021, 09:33 PM

Hi everyone,

I've been banging my head with an issue with KendoUI grid (for JQuery) and I was hoping I could get some help.

I've implemented server side pagination and filtering in my project and I send all the filtering parameters to a stored procedure.

It works fine, both the filtering and the pagination. The problem is when the data is returned to the grid if I had made a date range filtering.

ONLY with date range filtering. If I search only by string columns, I have no issues. If I search by only a date (not a range), it works too.

My guess is that it doesn't like to have two filters with the same key.

Here's my filter function:

const DatagridFilter = (e) => {
    const grid = datagrid.getGrid();
    let CurrentFilters = grid.getOptions().dataSource.filter?.filters || [];

    let filters = []; 

    if (e.filter == null) {
        angular.forEach(CurrentFilters, function (value, key) {
            if (value.filters.some(item => item.field !== e.field)) {
    } else {
        let NewFilter = { logic: e.filter.logic, filters: [] }; => {
                field: f.field,
                operator: f.operator,
                value: f.value

        let exist = false;
        angular.forEach(CurrentFilters, function (value, key) {
            if (value.filters.some(item => item.field === e.field)) {
                exist = true;
            else {
        if (!exist) {

    if (filters.length > 0) {
    } else {

And here's my DataGrid definition:

        excel: {
            allPages: true
        filterable: {
            extra: false,
            operators: {
                string: {
                    contains: "Contains",
                    startswith: "Starts with",
                    endswith: "Ends With",
                    doesnotcontain: "Doesn't contain",
                    doesnotstartwith: "Does not start",
                    eq: "Is equal to",
                    neq: "Is not equal to",
                    isempty: "Empty",
                    isnotempty: "Not empty",
                number: {
                    eq: "Equal to",
                    neq: "Not equal to",
                    lt: "less than",
                    lte: "less than or equal to",
                    gt: "greater than",
                    gte: "greater than or equal to",
                    startswith: "Starts With",
                    contains: "Contains",
                    doesnotcontain: "Doesn't contain",
                    doesnotstartwith: "Does not start",
                    endswith: "Ends With",
                    isnull: "Is Null",
                    isnotnull: "Is Not Null",
                date: {
                    gte: "From Date",
                    lte: "To Date"
        filter: (e) => DatagridFilter(e),
        sort: (e) => DatagridSort(e),
        page: (e) => GridBind(,
        sortable: true,
        autoBind: false,
        navigatable: true,
        serverPaging: true,
        serverFiltering: true,
        serverSorting: true,
        height: gridAutoHeight,
        toolbar: [{ template: kendo.template($("#templ_toolbar").html()) }],
        columns: datagridColumns

Any ideas of what could be happening?


Telerik team
commented on 08 Jul 2021, 10:16 AM

Could you please elaborate what exactly is the issue when using a range filter? Is the returned data not filtered, or the server does not return data at all? Here we have a How-To article on using date range to filter the data. It is possible that whatever issue it is that you are experiencing is caused from the server logic. 

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