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Grid with kendo editor as column closes cell onclick

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Jean-Baptiste asked on 29 May 2017, 03:49 PM


We're currently facing a problem with a KendoGrid having a KendoEditor as column editor.


Column Template:

' <div name= ' + tableRefCol.Name + '> #=data.' + tableRefCol.Name +'==null?"":data.'+tableRefCol.Name+'#</div>'


Column Editor Definition:

function CreateEditor(container, options) {
    var grid = $('#Grid').data('kendoGrid');
    var idx = container[0].cellIndex -  $('#Grid').data('kendoGrid').dataSource._group.length;
    var name = grid.columns[idx].field;
    $('<div id="inGridEditor" style="height:200px;width:200px;" name="' + name + '" data-bind="value: ' + options.field + '" div></div>')
        tools: [
          "bold", "italic", "underline", "insertUnorderedList", "insertOrderedList", "foreColor", "fontSize"


Grid options:

    "prefix": "",
    "name": "Grid",
    "columns": [{
            "field": "LibControle",
            "title": "LibellĂ© du contrĂ´le",
            "width": "150px",
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            "headerAttributes": {
                "id": "9fb0634a-05e7-4f0a-985c-47b1283fd62b"
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            "values": [{
                    "value": 1,
                    "text": "ADL"
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                    "value": 2,
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                    "text": "OSIRIS"
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                    "value": 12,
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                    "value": 20,
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                    "value": 39,
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            "filterable": false,
            "template": "<Button class=\"k-button\" onclick=OpenPopUp(\"http://localhost:53764/PlanificationControles/Documents/\") >Pièce jointe</a>",
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            "template": " <div name= Commentaire> #=data.Commentaire==null?\"\":data.Commentaire#</div>",
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            "template": "<a class=\"k-button k-button-icontext \" style=\"visibility: #=data.Visible?\"visible\":\"hidden\"#\" href=\"http://localhost:53764/Proprete/Element/\"><span></span><span class=\"btnText\">Non-conformitĂ© PropretĂ© radiologique</span></a>",
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                                "required": true
                            "type": "string"
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                            "validation": {
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                            "type": "string"
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                            "type": "string"
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                            "type": "string"
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                            "type": "string"
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                            "type": "string"
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                    "url": "/PlanificationControles/Read",
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                    "dataType": "json",
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            "cancelDelete": "Annuler",
            "confirmation": "ĂŠtes-vous sĂ»r de vouloir supprimer cet enregistrement?",
            "confirmDelete": "Effacer"
        "commands": {
            "create": "InsĂ©rer",
            "cancel": "Annuler les modifications",
            "save": "Enregistrer les modifications",
            "destroy": "Effacer",
            "edit": "Éditer",
            "update": "Mettre Ă  jour",
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            "pdf": "Export vers PDF",
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(the column I have problem with is the one called "Commentaires")

Here is the problem:

When I click on an Editor cell i enter in edit mod (having the defined kendo editor as wished) but when i click INSIDE the editor anywhere the cell gets closed (like if cell.close() was called), I tried to disable every possible function on the cell from chrome events listener but nothing seemed to really change anything.

It smelled like when i added the navigable=true on my grid something changed so i turned it off, then i could click inside the editor without the cell closing, but a problem is still remaining when i click on some tools from the editor like font size the cell keeps closing without any noticeable event being called.




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