I have a Kendo Grid that uses ClientDetailTemplateId to pull in a Kendo Treeview. When using the Telerik.Grid to do the same thing the Treeview makes a call to the Controller and all is good.
However I'm not sure I understand enough to make this work. Basically I have the Kendo Treeview template displaying with the plus sign on the node. However when I click the Node nothing happens. I would expect that my Action and Controller to be called. I know the Telerik tree view made an .Ajax().Select call and I do not see that option in the Datasource. I used the demo http://demos.kendoui.com/web/treeview/remote-data.html as a model to just try to get this too work and I have set breakpoint on the controller. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
However I'm not sure I understand enough to make this work. Basically I have the Kendo Treeview template displaying with the plus sign on the node. However when I click the Node nothing happens. I would expect that my Action and Controller to be called. I know the Telerik tree view made an .Ajax().Select call and I do not see that option in the Datasource. I used the demo http://demos.kendoui.com/web/treeview/remote-data.html as a model to just try to get this too work and I have set breakpoint on the controller. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("ActionTest", "Test"))
public JsonResult ActionTest()
var x = new List<KendoTreeViewItemModel>
new KendoTreeViewItemModel { id = "1", text = "Surname1", hasChildren=true },
new KendoTreeViewItemModel { id = "2", text = "Surname2", hasChildren=true },
return Json(x, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);