I have the following problem. When I bind an empty list of items to the grid (Server Binding) the grid shows me an empty row. The empty row has a class name "t-no-data" assigned. I could not find the css class "t-no-data" in any of the Kendo CSS files. Because of the prefix "t-" and not "k-" I assume this is a leftover from the Telerik MVC controls.
I just tried to override the "t-no-data" class in my custom css file and set the tr height to 0px to hide the empty row, but that does not work...
Here is how I defined the Grid in the Razor View:
And here is a screenshot so you see what I am talking about:
Can anyone tell me how I can hide the empy line? Thanks.
I have the following problem. When I bind an empty list of items to the grid (Server Binding) the grid shows me an empty row. The empty row has a class name "t-no-data" assigned. I could not find the css class "t-no-data" in any of the Kendo CSS files. Because of the prefix "t-" and not "k-" I assume this is a leftover from the Telerik MVC controls.
I just tried to override the "t-no-data" class in my custom css file and set the tr height to 0px to hide the empty row, but that does not work...
Here is how I defined the Grid in the Razor View:
@* Server Grid-Binding *@
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(c => c.ID).Width(50).Title(WFClasses.ColumnID).Hidden(
columns.Bound(c => c.Reference).Template(
<a href=
columns.Bound(c => c.WFTemplateFile.FileName).Width(150).Title(WFClasses.ColumnTemplate);
columns.Bound(c => c.Description).Width(
columns.Bound(c => c.Url).Width(250).Title(WFClasses.ColumnUrl);
columns.Bound(c => c.EditRights).Width(70).Title(WFClasses.ColumnEditRights);
.Resizable(m => m.Columns(
Can anyone tell me how I can hide the empy line? Thanks.